416. If the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw session apart from approving the submission of the President underneath Section 415 also extends the duration of the ordinance, it shall remain in operation up to the expiry of the prolonged duration. The matter regarding the extension shall be reported to the emergency session of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw by summoning it. Such bodies shall solely perform the duties for the remaining time period of the Hluttaw. Notwithstanding anything contained within the Constitution, commencing from the day of transfer of the sovereign energy to the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, it shall be deemed that the members appointed and assigned duties by approval of the relevant Hluttaws in accord with the Constitution, Self-Administered Division Leading Bodies or the members of Self-Administered Zone Leading Bodies, with the exception of the President and the Vice-Presidents, have been terminated from responsibility. The correct to problem writs by the Supreme Court of the Union shall not have an effect on the power of different courts to situation order that has the character of writs in line with the existing laws.
361. The Union acknowledges special position of Buddhism as the faith professed by the great majority of the citizens of the Union. 362. The Union additionally acknowledges Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Animism as the religions existing within the Union at the day of the approaching into operation of this Constitution. If the seat of the Chairman or the member of the Union Election Commission is vacant due to resignation, termination of duties, dying or any other reason, the President could appoint a new Chairman, or a member of the Union Election Commission in accord with the provisions of appointment of a Union Minister prescribed in this Constitution. 403. Duties, powers and privileges of the Chairman and members of the Union Election Commission shall be prescribed by law. 398. (a) The President shall constitute a Union Election Commission. 430. The bodies formed beneath Section 428 shall continue to perform their functions and duties till legislative, govt and judicial bodies have been formed in accord with the Constitution after holding the general election.
Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services submits the extension of the prescribed duration by giving reasons why he has not but been ready to accomplish the duties assigned to him, and after co-ordinating with the National Defence and Security Council, normally permit two extensions of the prescribed duration for a time period of six months for every extension. 420. The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services may, during the duration of the declaration of a state of emergency, prohibit or suspend as required, one or more elementary rights of the citizens in the required area. 382. In an effort to carry out their duties totally and to take care of the self-discipline by the Defence Forces personnel or members of the armed forces accountable to perform peace and security, the rights given in this Chapter shall be restricted or revoked through enactment to regulation. 428. The National Defence and Security Council shall kind and assign duties to totally different levels of administrative bodies, the Self-Administered Division Leading Body, or the Self- Administered Zone Leading Bodies and Election Commission prescribed in the Constitution with persons who meet the related qualifications prescribed in the Constitution.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services might exercise the stated powers and duties himself or empower on any suitable military authority to exercise thereof. 425. The National Defence and Security Council may, if the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services submits the extension of the prescribed duration by giving reasons why he has not been in a position to accomplish the assigned duties, on the expiry of the time period of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, normally permit two extensions of the prescribed duration for a time period of six months for every extension. If all of the members are unable to attend the meeting held by the President to co-ordinate with the National Defence and Security Council beneath Sub- Section (a), the President might declare in time a state of emergency after co-ordinating with the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Services, the Minister for Defence, and the Minister for Home Affairs who are members. NOT Have to attend the meeting nor does she Need to signal the IEP. 367. Every citizen shall, in accord with the health coverage laid down by the Union, have the appropriate to well being care. If you entrust the day by day care of your child to someone else, select that individual fastidiously.